Schutzhund Training
The purpose of Schutzhund is to demonstrate the dog’s intelligence & utility. It also measures the dog’s mental stability, endurance, structural efficiencies, ability to scent, willingness to work, courage, & trainability.
Schutzhund is a German word meaning “protection dog”. It refers to a sport that focuses on developing and evaluating those traits in dogs that make them more useful and happier companions to their owners. Schutzhund work concentrates on three parts: Tracking, Obedience and Protection. Many are familiar with the obedience work of the American Kennel Club’s affiliates and will recognize the first two parts, tracking and obedience. The Schutzhund standards for the third part, protection work, are similar to those for dogs in police work.
Training will be designed with your dog’s individual abilities and your goals in mind. Although we will instruct you based on USA Schutzhund Trial Rules, you need not trial or compete with your dog. Each phase will be instructed by Beth and you can train privately or in group sessions.
Clients doing all 3 phases:
Club Members: $80 ( must be current on dues)
Group: $100 (2 sessions either tracking/obedience or 2 obedience depending on weather)
Private: $125/ up to hr
Clients doing 1-2 Phases:
Group: $150 (2 sessions either tracking/obedience or 2 obedience depending on weather)
Private: $175/ up to hr
Not sure if your dog is a good fit for Schutzhund?
I can advise you as to the extent of your dog’s ability to be involved in the sport. All dogs are worked one at a time, please have your dog remain in the car until it is his/her turn. I encourage everyone to watch and learn from each other’s dogs.
Contact Beth today for more information.