Congratulations to Dave Martin and Kingston 2014 Rottweiler Nationals Champion.
Dave also got High in Trial, High Obedience and High Protection.I’m honored to be a part of King’s training program from start to National Champion!
Congratulations to Laurie Schweizer and Remy.
Remy came in 8th place at the 2014 Northeast Regional Championship and was the Highest Scoring Breed Surveyed dog at the Event. I’m very proud to be a part of this team from the start. Very proud to say that Laurie and I won the Regional Club Trophy at the2014 Northeast Regional Championship.
Nathan Vom Fegelhof Sch3, FH2, 2012 FH Champion
DOB: 3/29/2003 (sadly, Nate passed July 27, 2014) BH, AD, SchH3, FH2, IPO 3KK1 SG Conformation Rating“a” normal – Hips and ElbowsOFA DM Test – Negative and normal genes Nate is 12 times ScH 3 2012 FH Champions — Mid Ohio Working Dog Championship – Score 98 Points 2011Greater Philadelphia Schutzhund Club, FH2, 96pts.2010 Upper Bucks Schutzhund Club FH, 90 points2009 FCI World Team Competitor Schwanenstadt, Austria2009 AWDF Championship 9th Place2009 AWDF Championship High Female Handler2009 USA Working Dog Championship 11th Place2008 AWDF Championship 5th Place2008 North East Regional 3rd Place2008 North East Regional High Track and 3rd Place2007 North Est Regional 5th Place2006 Greater Philadelphia Sch Club: Schutzhund 3…
Anya Von Haus Sova
DOB: 3/19/1999 SCH3, IPO 3, FH, KK2Life SG Conformation RatingHips: “a” normal Germany 11 x’s ScH310 x’s ScH3 at National, International and Regional Championships2 x’s High in Trial2003 World Team Competitor, Wavre Belgium7 x’s High Scoring Female Dog North East Regional High Female Dog in 2006, 2005, 2003 North American Championships High Female Dog in 2004, 2003 2002 National German Shepherd Championships High Female Dog #1 Schutzhund 3 Female 2002 AWDF World Qualifier Championship High Female Dog 2006 2006 North East Regional Championship High Track Competition Record SchH1 11.18.01- 288 V (Excellent )Trial hosted by Schafferfund Schutzhund Club96 Tracking, 94 Obedience, 98 Protection.High ScH1 | High in Trial SchH2 12.2.2001-…
7/17/1995 – 11/3/2008Rest In Peace Dear Companion Medusa placed #9th & #13th in the Utility and Open Division in the 1998 German Shepherd Obedience Ranking System (The German Shepherd Review October 1999 Issue). June 1999: Super Utility Dog AwardFront & Finish MagazineVolume XXVIII, Number 9November 1998:Utility Dog Excellent10 shows – 20 legsJune 1998: Utility DogChamberburg Area Kennel Club – Fourth Prize – 4/10/98Taconic Hills Kennel Club – First Prize – 5/5/98Greenwich Kennel Club – First Prize – 6/6/98October 1997:Companion Dog ExcellentNew Brunswick Kennel Club – First Prize – 8/29/97Morris Hills Dog Training Club – Third Prize – 8/31/97South Jersey Kennel Club – First Prize – 10/19/97May 1997:Companion DogStaten Island Dog…
Dre, BH FH1
DOB: 2/17/2010 “a” normal hips & elbows Dre is sired by Beth’s dog Nathan vom Fegelhof and already displays Nate’s drive and eagerness to please. Dre has incredible food and prey drive, as well as, power and courage.
Breaking Bad Habits
Often, my job consists of providing training on breaking a dog’s bad habits. Usually, these habits or behaviors start from a young age when the dog or puppy is purchased or adopted. The behavior continues because the dog gets something out of the behavior—attention, food, fun, or an outlet for excess energy. For a while, the family either tolerates the behaviors or even unwittingly rewards the behaviors. By the time the family has finally had enough, the bad behavior has become a bad habit. Bad Habits If a dog does something once, it may be a coincidence; if a dog does the same thing twice, he is starting to form a habit. Each time the behavior is repeated, the habit becomes more entrenched. Habits are difficult to break–for both humans and canines. It takes humans a full 30 days to break…
Private Lessons
Private lessons are individualized training sessions geared to your specific needs and problems. The primary advantage of this is that it allows you to learn at a rate geared to you and your dog and to focus on your specific needs and/or problems. While the total price of private training is slightly higher than group lessons, the beneficial reward that comes from private training can assist you and your dog to become more attuned to your dog’s state of mind. Most of my clients take approximately 4-5 lessons to achieve what they wanted to with their dog. Typically, the first 2 sessions are a week apart, then the last 3…
Campus Training
Whether you are planning a vacation or you simply don’t have the time to train your dog, Beth’s Campus Training Program is what your dog needs. Your dog will be trained daily, several times a day for about 15 minutes each session so she can enhance your dog’s attention span without stressing him. Each dog is trained in Beth’s home, not a kennel, giving her the ability to replicate the home environment he already lives. During the time your dog is with Beth for training, he becomes ‘her’ dog and is with her day and night. Because your dog is in Beth’s home with her dogs, she limits this program…
Special Needs Training
“Special Needs” dogs are those that are considered to need special help so they can get the most out of life. It doesn’t matter if they are physically challenged or if they need socialization and/or behavioral rehabilitation, Beth will work out a program that is right for them. Beth has experience working with dogs with various disabilities from missing a leg, seizures, dogs that are blind and deaf. Beth has also had great success rehabilitating dogs with behavioral issues ranging from House breaking and Separation Anxiety to Aggressionof all types. Let Beth create a program that will work for you and your Special Needs Dog. Contact Beth today for more…