Argo & Laurie, 1st Place AWDF Champions - Argo Von Schweizer and Laurie Schweizer win the 2021 American Working Dog Federation Championship! Scores : 99 Tracking, 94 Obedience, 96 ProtectionView Argo’s Page 1st Place Champions Laurie & Argo: High Protection, High Tracking, High BHOT, High HOT, High GSD ...
UNITED PAWS Therapy Dog - Good stuff with Kaya today.She's been doing therapy dog visits through Creature Comfort at the Veterans and assisted livings places -- but today she went to Newark Airport for United Paws. So I have to share. United brings in therapy dogs to help travelers destress the next 3 days.Didn't really know what to expect but it went really well. We can't thank you enough for helping us with her. -David and Laura ...
Publication: Ruse on the Loose: Denville dog trainer competes internationally with pet - Leslie Ruse, @LeslieRuseDR 12:19 a.m. EDT August 16, 2015 Losing her best training dog due to an illness turned out to be a blessing in disguise for dog trainer Beth Bradley. When her eight-year-old pitbull had a stroke, a friend of the trainer’s sent her on a trip to the airport. “She was the best dog around and my vet said, ‘You can’t really use her for a demo dog anymore because of the stroke. It’s too much stress. She should just be a house dog at this point,’ ” said Bradley, who helped the dog recover and live to 14 years of age. “I have a friend who lives out in Kansas and she’s a German Shepherd breeder. She called me one day and said there’s something for you at the airport. You’ve got to pick it up tonight at 6:30. I had no idea what it was. It was like getting a puppy on Christmas morning, you know, it’s something you don’t do. And that was my first start with owning German Shepherds.” During June, Bradley and her fourth German Shepherd, Fyte, were named to the 2015 USA WUSV (World Union of German Shepherd Dog Clubs) Team after earning a third-place finish at the trials held in Lancaster, N.Y., a suburb of Buffalo. At 29 months of age, Fyte von der Staatmacht is one of the youngest competitors ever to appear in international competition. Bradley and Fyte compete in the sport of Schutzhund, a German-style obedience competition where… ...
Congratulations Beth & Fyte on their IPO 3 - Congratulations to Beth and Fyte on obtaining Fyte's IPO 3(88, 96, 97)Fyte is just 22 months old! 2nd Place HOT3rd Place IPO3High ProtectionHelpers Favorite Dog 2015 Working Dog ChampionshipsBuffalo, NY ...
Congratulations to Laurie Schweizer and Remy. - Remy came in 8th place at the 2014 Northeast Regional Championship and was the Highest Scoring Breed Surveyed dog at the Event. I'm very proud to be a part of this team from the start. Very proud to say that Laurie and I won the Regional Club Trophy at the2014 Northeast Regional Championship. ...