Articles Newly Published Articles The Power of PlayCrate TrainingReliable RecallDon’t Take Shocking ShortcutsThe Importance of the Down/Stay Exercise Training The Power of PlayCrate TrainingReliable RecallDon’t Take Shocking ShortcutsThe Importance of the Down/Stay ExerciseInvisible Fencing Pros and ConsTo Harness or Not To Harness? That is the QuestionCaring for your Dog’s Neck and Spine: Dog Collar IssuesWhat is Dog Training?E collar training and How to Use itThe Power of PlayBe ConsistentWatch Your ToneHow to Pick the Right Training Collar for Your DogTreat Your Dog Like a DogDogs are SmartConsistency in HandlingClear CommunicationBUILDING DRIVE THROUGH CORRECTIONSSetting Boundaries and Being the Pack LeaderDog Training Advice from My Parents3 Phases of Training a Dog TrainingTraining and Trial PreparationTraining ConsistencyDon’t Blame the DogThe Heel CommandComplete ControlAlways Err on the Side of CautionAvoiding InsanityMoving to a New House:Use of RewardsThe WalkWarm Weather FunAre You Rewarding Bad Behavior?Welcoming Your New DogWelcoming Your Second DogPlanning for a Second DogCommunicating Through ChaosBack to SchoolAnticipation and Right TimingPositive Dog on Dog InteractionsNutrition and Your DogThe Problem with Small Breeds:Owning a Working DogAre you willing to Bet?Training your dog is not an optionCorrecting your DogDog SkillsDogs Don’t TalkDemanding more ObedienceClear and Consistent TrainingCampus TrainingDog SkillsThe Holiday Season and Your DogHalloween and your DogThe Blame GameMotion Sickness: A Step by Step Plan to Overcome the ProblemInstantaneous ObedienceRepetition – Your Key to Training SuccessUses for a Long LeashVacationThe Proper use of Training EquipmentTraining the IndividualHow old is too old for a dog to learn?Body Language – 5 Steps to Communicating with your dogYour Dog’s post-holiday bluesAgility: More than Just Teaching your Dog to JumpThe Vision of a DogWorking in DrivePositive Dog Training vs. CompulsionObedience is not only Classroom BehaviorDoggie Day Care FacilitiesIt’s All About ObedienceWhat is Dog Training?What Causes Disobedience? Puppy Train Them YoungHouse Breaking Manual for Exercise PenTraining Your Puppy To Be a Dog You Can Live WithConfinement for a PuppyPuppy PlayMouthingStubborn, Scared or Stupid?Creating StructureThe A-B-C’s of Raising a PuppyTeethingPlaying with your PuppyHandling your PuppyProperly Socializing Your PuppyAttention and Affection: The Right Kind at the Right Time8 Stages of Puppy DevelopmentFriend or LeaderWhere to get a puppy or dogTrain with your dog using your Head not your HeartNuisance Behavior Problems Canine OCD Behaviors: Reasons and RecoveryBreaking Bad HabitsBarkingLearned DisobedienceJumping5 No-No’s in Dog BehaviorSeparation AnxietyMouthingVocalizationThe Long Cold Winter and your Dog Aggression Smart Training for a Reactive DogTraining the Aggressive DogGood StressDealing With Territorial and Protective AggressionTraining the Fearful DogBite InhibitionDealing With DominanceBitingWHY DOGS BITEExcitement and AggressionWhat to Do When Your Dog Challenges Your LeadershipWhat to Do When Your Dog GrowlsTraining Tips for a Dominant DogSocializing your Reactive DogAggressionPossession AggressionAction vs. ReactionFood Aggression Children & Dogs Children and DogsThe Family Dog: Decisions and Deal-breakersIntroducing your dog to your New babyThinking of having a Baby?